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Collapse NRO 06458 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 06458 - NORTHUMBERLAND MINERS' MUTUAL CONFIDENT ASSOCIATON: RECORDS (ADDN). - Minutes & correspondence. - 1880-1946NRO 06458 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 06458 - NORTHUMBERLAND MINERS' MUTUAL CONFIDENT ASSOCIATON: RECORDS (ADDN). - Minutes & correspondence. - 1880-1946
Expand 1 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 06458/1 - Cowpen Miners' Lodge, Minute Books - 1880-19451 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 06458/1 - Cowpen Miners' Lodge, Minute Books - 1880-1945
Expand 2 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 06458/2 - Northumberland Miners' Mutual Confident Association, Minutes - Includes, agenda, reports and minutes of the Annual Council Meeting, Half Yearly council Meeting, Executive Committee Meeting, Joint Committee, Circulars, Monthly Circulars, Compensation for Accidents - 1919-19232 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 06458/2 - Northumberland Miners' Mutual Confident Association, Minutes - Includes, agenda, reports and minutes of the Annual Council Meeting, Half Yearly council Meeting, Executive Committee Meeting, Joint Committee, Circulars, Monthly Circulars, Compensation for Accidents - 1919-1923
3 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 06458/3 - Northumberland Miners' Mutual Confident Association, Assorted Papers - Includes aganda, reports, minutes, agreements and correspondence for 1922 and 1925-1945 - 1922-1945
4 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 06458/4 - Trade Union Law, Cohen, Herman, 2nd ed. - Published by Sweet & Maxwell Limited, 3 Chancery Lane, London - 1907
5 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 06458/5 - Joint District Board for the District of Northumberland, Minimum Wage Rates and Rules, Transcript of Proceedings before The Lord Plender G.B.E (Independent Chairman of the board) - Held at the Coal Trade Offices, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Wednesday 4 July 1934 - July 1934
6 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 06458/6 - Northumberland Miners' Mutual Confident Association, Conciliation Agreement for the District of Northumberland - Dec. 1944
7 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 06458/7 - Northumberland Miners' Mutual Confident Association, Acts of Parliament Affecting Mines and Agreements under the Acts - Published by Co-operative Printing Society Limited, Rutherford Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Includes hours and wages, minimum wages, basic wages, subsistence wages, compensation and miscellaneous. - 1935
8 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 06458/8 - Northumberland Miners' Mutual Confident Association, Agreements - Between the Northumberland Coal Owners' Association and the Northumberland Miners' Mutual Confident Association. With Index - Sep. 1920
9 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 06458/9 - Northumberland Miners' Mutual Confident Association, Agreements between the Northumberland Coal Owners' Association, The Co-operative Wholesale Society Ltd (Shilbottle Colliery) and the Northumberland Miners' Mutual Confident Association, Shilbottle Branch. - Including other Rules and Conditions of Employment. - 1933
10 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 06458/10 - Cavilling Rules for Cowpen Colliery - Jan. 1908
11 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 06458/11 - Cowpen, Isabella and Straker Pits, Cavilling Rules, general Amendments - Aug. 1923
12 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 06458/12 - List of Hewing Prices and Rules for the Guidance of Cavilling at the A Pit, Bedlington colliery - 1922
13 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 06458/13 - Rules, Prices and Agreements for Working Cavils of the West Wylam Branch of the Northumberland Miners' Mutual Confident Association - Includes rules relating to houses - 1911
14 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 06458/14 - Mines Department, Safety in Mines Research board, Paper no. 61, The Support of Underground workings in the Coalfields of the North of England (Durham, Northumberland and Cumberland) - 1930
15 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 06458/15 - Mineworkers Federation of Great Britain, Annual Report of the Executive Committee - 1934-1935
Expand 16 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 06458/16 - Northumberland Miners' Mutual Confident Association, Agents' Quarterly Review - Jan. 1937-Jan. 194016 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 06458/16 - Northumberland Miners' Mutual Confident Association, Agents' Quarterly Review - Jan. 1937-Jan. 1940
17 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 06458/17 - Disk copy of the Thesis, The Northumberland Miners, 1945-1951, by David J. Robbie - Paper copy also available. AVAILABLE TO VIEW IN AUDIO BOOTH AT NORTHUMBERLAND ARCHIVES. - nd. [c.2005]

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