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Collapse PC 49 - Northumberland Archives - PC 49 - TOGSTON PARISH COUNCIL, TOGSTON, NORTHUMBERLAND: RECORDS. - 1937-2011PC 49 - Northumberland Archives - PC 49 - TOGSTON PARISH COUNCIL, TOGSTON, NORTHUMBERLAND: RECORDS. - 1937-2011
1 - Northumberland Archives - PC 49/1 - Minute book, Togston Parish Council. - 7 Oct. 1937-29 April 1954
2 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/2 - Minute book - 29 April 1954-19 March 1964
3 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/3 - Minute book - 16 April 1964-1 May 1973
4 - Northumberland Archives - PC 49/4 - Allotments Collections and Deposits Book. - 1938-1979
5 - Northumberland Archives - PC 49/5 - Allotment Rent Book. - 1963-1969
6 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/6 - Allotment Rent Book. - 1970-1975
7 - Northumberland Archives - PC 49/7 - Yearly Financial Statements. - Series includes some gaps. - 1961-1968
8 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/8 - Postage book. - 1973-1978
9 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/9 - Miscellaneous papers on financial matters. - 1972-1978
10 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/10 - Miscellaneous correspondence. - 1976-1978
11 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/11 - Allotments, (Parish Councils Advisory Handbook No. 9). - 1951
12 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/12 - Local Government Boundary Commission for England Report No.2 - 1973
13 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/13 - Local Government Boundary Commission for England Report No.286. - 1978
14 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/14 - The New Alnwick District - your guide to local government reorganisation. - 1974
15 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/15 - Alnwick District Council Byelaw: the fouling of footways by dogs. - 1974
16 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/16 - Newcastle-Berwick Local Rail Service - Consideration of Future, Policy Background Paper. - 1977
17 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/17 - Local Council Review - 1978
18 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/18 - Minute Book. - 22 May 1973-28 Feb. 1984
19 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/19 - Minute Book. - 27 March 1984-14 Jan. 1992
20 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/20 - Minute Book. - 11 Feb. 1992-28 Dec. 2002
21 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/21 - Receipt and Payments Book. - May 1951-March 1974
22 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/22 - Receipt and Payments Book. - April 1974-March 1987
23 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/23 - Receipt and Payments Book. - April 1987-March 2001
24 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/24 - Attendance Book. - April 1969-Nov. 1993
25 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/25 - Parish Councillors Declarations. - June 1964-Nov. 2001
26 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/26 - Allotment Rent Book. - 1975-1983
27 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/27 - Allotment Rent Book. - 1984-1988
28 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/28 - Allotment Rent Book. - 1989-1998
29 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/29 - Planning Applications. - Includes: applications from 1980, 1981and 1986 - 1979-1986
30 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/30 - Planning Applications. - 1987
31 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/31 - Planning Applications. - 1988
32 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/32 - Planning Applications. - 1989
33 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/33 - Planning Applications. - 1990
34 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/34 - Planning Applications. - 1991
35 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/35 - Planning Applications. - 1992
36 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/36 - Planning Applications. - 1993
37 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/37 - Planning Applications. - 1994
38 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/38 - Planning Applications. - 1995
39 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/39 - Planning Applications. - 1996
40 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/40 - Planning Applications. - 1997
41 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/41 - Planning Applications. - 1998
42 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/42 - Planning Applications. - 1999-2000
43 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/43 - Planning Applications. - 2001
44 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/44 - File of correspondence with Northumberland County Council. - A gap in the correspondence exists between 1985-1993. Correspondence includes: Rights of way, planning and highways, allotments, opencast coal mining, road accidents and traffic issues, school governing body (Broomhill County First School) community land and street lighting. - 1977-2000
45 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/45 - File of correspondence with Alnwick District Council - Correspondence includes: Environmental improvements, litter bins, parish forum, parish council elections, recreation facilities, allotments, vermin, open cast workings, housing development, parish precepts, Alnwick District Local Plan, grand funding, local organisations, footpaths, taxis, gas supply, bus shelters, refuse disposal and Queen Street. - 1978-1996
46 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/46 - File of correspondence with the National Coal Board (NCB). - Including: Tenancy agreement for land at North Broomhill and correspondence relating to land rented from the NCB by Togston Parish Council for allotment gardens and recreational purposes. - 1963-1985
47 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/47 - File of general correspondence, draft correspondence and notes. - Including: Northumberland Rural Coalfield Regeneration Framework 2002, Consultation Draft. Election of parish councillors Valuation Office correspondence re: allotment lands Purshcase of Broomhill Christian Mission Hall Open cast workings Housing, highways and footpaths - 1965-2002
48 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/48 - File of correspondence relating to Togston Court. - 1999-2000
49 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/49 - File of Correspondence relating to allotments at Togston, Northumberland. - Mainly with the Northumbrian Water Authority relating to the installation of a water supply for the allotments. - 1977-1995
50 - Northumberland County Archives Service - PC 49/50 - File of receipts and invoices. - Including: Miscellaneous receipts for work undertaken and land rent charges for North Broomhill Welfare Ground and land for allotment gardens. - 1971-1988
51 - Northumberland Archives - PC 49/51 - File of Correspondence re: planning application and account estimates. - Including correpondence re: proposed development behind Togston Road, North Broomhill and Insurance renewal paperwork. - 1987-1999
52 - Northumberland Archives - PC 49/52 - Precept upon Rating Authority for Expenses book. - 1981-2002
53 - Northumberland Archives - PC 49/53 - Papers relating to Insurance Policy. - 1985-1996
54 - Northumberland Archives - PC 49/54 - Plans relating to Togston Improvement Scheme. - 1992-2002
55 - Northumberland Archives - PC 49/55 - Minutes, Togston Parish Council. Includes set of Minutes of the allotment holders meetings 2002-2009. - 2002-2009
56 - Northumberland Archives - PC 49/56 - Minutes and Agendas, Togston Parish Council. - 2009-2013
57 - Northumberland Archives - PC 49/57 - Income and expenditure book, Togston Parish Council. - May 2001-March 2011
58 - Northumberland Archives - PC 49/58 - Correspondence file relating to proposed housing, Togston Parish Council. - 1991-2002
59 - Northumberland Archives - PC 49/59 - Correspondence file relating to the sale of allotment land, Togston Parish Council. - Includes the 1911 Lease of land for allotments, and a 1954 agreement with the National Coal Board. - 1991-2004
60 - Northumberland Archives - PC 49/60 - Planning Applications, Togston Parish Council. - 2000-2009
61 - Northumberland Archives - PC 49/61 - Tenancy agreement of Togston Parish Council with Alnwick District Council for land at Togston Road, North Broomhill, Morpeth, Northumberland. - 4 Aug. 2000
62 - Northumberland Archives - PC 49/62 - Attendance register for meetings, Togston Parish Council. - 1993-2009
63 - Northumberland Archives - PC 49/63 - Printed list of Schedule of Reputed Public Rights of way, produced by Alnwick Rural District Council; includes Togston. - With reference to the Right of Way Act, 1932. - 1932

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