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Collapse NRO 07053 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053 - MR R. L. DITCHBURN: RECORDS (ADDN.) - Mineworkers Pension Scheme, personal papers relating to membership, newsletters, guidance booklets, and other papers. - 1985-2011NRO 07053 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053 - MR R. L. DITCHBURN: RECORDS (ADDN.) - Mineworkers Pension Scheme, personal papers relating to membership, newsletters, guidance booklets, and other papers. - 1985-2011
1 - Northumberland Collections Service - NRO 07053/1 - Personal papers and correspondence relating to membership of the Mineworkers' Pension Scheme. - Personal benefit statements, National Union of Mineworkers and MPS advisory correspondence - nd. [c.1992]
2 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/2 - 'Pensions Newsline' The Newsletter for Members of the Mineworkers' Pension Scheme. - Editions include: May 1997, Sept. 1999, June, Aug., Sept . 2000, July 2001, January 2002, May 2002, Autumn 2002, Spring 2003, Summer 2003, Autumn 2003, Spring 2004, Autumn 2004, Spring, Autumn 2005, Spring, September, Autumn 2006, Spring 2007, Autumn 2007, Spring 2010. - 1997-2007
3 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/3 - Mineworkers Pension Scheme leaflets and booklets. - Including: News Review 1989-1990 News Review 1991-1992 Members' Guide, July 1992 Security with MPS, Oct. 1992 Important News for Members Leaving from 1st March 1992 'The Prospects for Coal' Summary of the Coal Review White Paper, Department for Trade and Industr,y March 1993 Mineworkers' Pension Scheme Handbook, 1997 Your Pension Increase Explained, 2002 Pension newsline newsletters 2008-2009 - 1989-1997; 2008-2009
4 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/4 - N.U.M. Northumberland Area leaflet entitled 'Support our sacrificed members'. - nd. [c.1985]
5 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/5 - Leaflet and covering letter relating to the pension scheme representative election 2002, and leaflet explaining the 2004 pension increases. - 2002; 2004
6 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/6 - National Union of Mineworkers - Direct Debit Mandate letter sent to Mr Ditchburn. - The decision by British Coal to remove the NUMs General Fund facility meant that the normal weekly deductions could not be received by the Union and they asked their members to set up a direct debit for their payments. - 8 March 1993
7 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/7 - National Union of Mineworkers - North East Area - Letter from David Hopper, General Secretary. - Message to the NUM Members not to be paniced into leaving the coal industry after British Coal decided to close 31 pits. - Oct. 1992
8 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/8 - Letter to Mr Ditchburn from T.P. Watson, Colliery Manager at Ellington Colliery, Northumberland. - Termination of employment letter for Mr Ditchburn. His employment with British Coal ended on 19th February 1994. - 12 Feb. 1994
9 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/9 - Programme of the Dedication of the Ashington Federation of the National Union of Mineworkers' Banner. - The programme starts by saying the dedication "Let this banner be a symbol of light shining from mens hearts. Let this symbolise justice and truth and the desire that all men might stand equal before God their maker." There are then readings from Matthew 5 verse 14, Psalm 67 Matthew 5 verse 16 The Blessing of the Banner The Lord's Prayer and the hymn Abide with Me ending with "Carry this banner in the knowledge of what it symbolises, that of justice and truth. This is now your responsibility . Go forth to your work in the knowledge that God will fulfil his promises. And the blessing of God, The Father The Son and the Holy Sprit Be Upon You. Amen" - 26 Apr. 1984
10 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/10 - Bathers handbook to Ellington Colliery, the property of Mr R.L. Ditchburn, tally number 443, signed by Mr. J.E.Tubby Colliery General Manager. - The information contained in the booklet is under the following headings: Entitlement to use the premises; Lost property; Conduct of Bathers; Care on Stairways; Betting and intoxicating liquor; Disease and Infection; Complaints and Suggestions; Notice Boards; Rubbish; Spitting; Injuries to Bathers; Locker Rooms and Clothing; Toilets; Showers; Boot Cleaning and Greasing; Smoking; Glass Bottles; Dangerous Articles; Locker Keys; Workmen. - nd. [c.1980]
11 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/11 - Ministry of Technology Mines and Quarries Act 1954. Book 1 - Underground Workmen in Coal Mines including Supplement for Transport Workers. - nd. [c.1969]
12 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/12 - NCB Certificate of Training. - "This is to certify that R Ditchburn satisfactorily completed a course of training for Retraining in the use of the self rescuer at the Ashington Training Centre from 2 /2/1979. The subjects covered were: The training carried out was in accordance with the Deputy Director (mining) instruction dated 18/1/1979 also including fire fighting and proceedure in this session." Issued by T Templeton, Manager/ Chief Instructor. 2/2/1979 - 1979
13 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/13 - NCB Certificate of Training. - "This is to certify that R Ditchburn satisfactorily completed a course of training for Pre-coal face basic skills at the Ashington Training Centre from 17/9/1979 to 28/9/1979. The subjects covered were: 1. Methods of work strata control 2. Supports conventional and Hydraulic, 3. F.L.P Intrinsically safe Equipment 4. Face and Roadway Machinery 5. A.F.C. Face Signals. Issued by C F Waller, Training Centre Manager. 28/9/1979. - 1979
14 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/14 - NCB Certificate of Training for Employment in Work for Coal Production, for Raymond L Ditchburn. - " I hereby certify that Raymond L Ditchburn has completed a period of basic training under the close personal supervision of an instructor or supervising workman in work for coal production as specified in Regulation 10 (2) (a) of the above named regulations or in any relevant exemption granted by an inspector in pursuance of regulation 5 of the said regulations." "Has completed a period of improvership training in work for coal production, as specified in Regulation 10 (2) (b) of the above named Regulations or in any relevant exemption by an Inspector in in pursuance of Regulation 5 of the said regulations and is competent to be employed in work for coal production." Signed T Templeton 29/5/1981 Training Officer for the Ashington Mine/ Training Centre. - 1981
15 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/15 - NCB Certificate of Training in Self-Rescuer, for Raymond L Ditchburn. - National Coal Board Certificate of Training "This is to certify that R Ditchburn satisfactorily completed a course of training for Self Rescuer at the Ashington Training Centre from 12/6/1982. The subjects covered were- Retraining in the use of the Self Rescuer. Issued by J.J. Oliver 17/6/1982. - 1982
16 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/16 - NCB Certificate of Authorisation Under Mechanics & Electricians Regulations, 1965 & Training Regulations 1967 for Mr R.L. Ditchburn. - Ashington Colliery "In accordance with the Above Regulations R.L Ditchburn is hereby authorised to Operate machinery and/or electrical apparatus, other than coal getting machines as listed below:- Endless and Direct Haulage Face, Mothergate and Trunk Conveyors. Signed A Hetherington Manager 29/01/1979 - 2 Feb. 1979
17 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/17 - NCB Certificate of Appointments/Authorsations - Underground workmen. - Ashington Colliery "In accordance with the Mines and Quarries Act 1954 and General Regulations made thereunder I hereby appoint and/or authorise R.L. Ditchburn to Accompany any rope hauled vehicle. Section 39 (2) - Mines and Quarries Act 1954 Operate rope haulage apparatus where no persons are carried. Section 43 (2) - Mines and Quarries Act 1954. Operate a face conveyor. Section 44 - Mines and Quarries Act 1954. Be in charge of a firedamp detector and where the detector is not automatic make not less than 2 tests per shift. Reg. 11 (1) (b) and 14 - Ventilation Regs. 1956. When in charge of a flame safety lamp to use a cap lamp. Reg. 15 (1) - Ventilation Regs. 1956." Signed A Hetherington, Manager 29/01/1979 - 2 Feb. 1979
18 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/18 - NCB Certificate of Authorisation Under Mechanics & Electricians Regulations, 1965 & Training Regulations 1967 for Mr R.L. Ditchburn. - Ashington Colliery "In accordance with the Above Regulations R.L Ditchburn is hereby authorised to Operate machinery and/or electrical apparatus, other than coal getting machines as listed below:- Operate endless and Direct Haulage and associated Electrical Apparatus. Face, Mothergate and Trunk Conveyors. Pumps. Haulage Signals Shaft Signals Signed A Hetherington Manager 10/07/1980 - 15 July 1980
19 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/19 - NCB Certificate of Appointments/Authorsations - Underground workmen. - Ashington Colliery "In accordance with the Mines and Quarries Act 1954 and General Regulations made thereunder I hereby appoint and/or authorise R.L. Ditchburn to Act as Onsetter. Reg.31 (2) - Shafts, Outlets and Roads Regs.1960. Transmit signals in any Shaft. Reg.31 (3) - Shafts, Outlets and Roads Regs.1960. Accompany any rope hauled vehicle. Section 39 (2) - Mines and Quarries Act 1954 Transmit signals in any road. Reg. 50 - Shafts, Outlets and Roads Regs. 1960. Operate rope haulage apparatus carrying persons. Section 42 (1) - Mines & Quarries Act 1954. Operate rope haulage apparatus where no persons are carried. Section 43 (2) - Mines and Quarries Act 1954. Operate a face conveyor. Section 44 - Mines and Quarries Act 1954. Be in charge of a firedamp detector and where the detector is not automatic make not less than 2 tests per shift. Reg. 11 (1) (b) and 14 - Ventilation Regs. 1956. When in charge of a flame safety lamp to use a cap lamp. Reg. 15 (1) - Ventilation Regs. 1956. Act as a Supervising Workmen. Section 13 - Mines & Quarries Act, 1954 - Training Regs. 1967. Act as an Instructor. Section 13 - Mines and Quarries Act - 1954 - Training Regs. 1967. Be a Searcher. 1 (a) - (Manner of Search for Smoking Materials) Order 1956. Examine safety lamps after being taken into the Mine. Reg. 3 (1) Safety Lamps Regs. 1956." Signed A Hetherington Manager 10/07/1980. - 15 July 1980
20 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/20 - NCB Certificate of Authorisation Under Mechanics & Electricians Regulations, 1965 & Training Regulations 1967 for Mr R.L. Ditchburn. - Ashington Colliery "In accordance with the Above Regulations R.L Ditchburn is hereby authorised to Operate machinery and/or electrical apparatus, other than coal getting machines as listed below:- Operate endless and Direct Haulage and associated switches.. Face, Mothergate and Trunk Conveyors. Electric Drillers Powered Supports Pumps. Haulage Signals including Shaft Signals." Signed A Hetherington Manager 08/04/1981 - 14 April 1981
21 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/21 - NCB Certificate of Appointments/Authorsations - Underground workmen. - Ashington Colliery "In accordance with the Mines and Quarries Act 1954 and General Regulations made thereunder I hereby appoint and/or authorise R.L. Ditchburn to Act as Onsetter. Reg.31 (2) - Shafts, Outlets and Roads Regs.1960. Transmit signals in any Shaft. Reg.31 (3) - Shafts, Outlets and Roads Regs.1960. Accompany any rope hauled vehicle. Section 39 (2) - Mines and Quarries Act 1954 Transmit signals in any road. Reg. 50 - Shafts, Outlets and Roads Regs. 1960. Operate rope haulage apparatus carrying persons. Section 42 (1) - Mines & Quarries Act 1954. Operate rope haulage apparatus where no persons are carried. Section 43 (2) - Mines and Quarries Act 1954. Operate a face conveyor. Section 44 - Mines and Quarries Act 1954. Be in charge of a firedamp detector and where the detector is not automatic make not less than 2 tests per shift. Reg. 11 (1) (b) and 14 - Ventilation Regs. 1956. When in charge of a flame safety lamp to use a cap lamp. Reg. 15 (1) - Ventilation Regs. 1956. To insert in a shothole any part of the charge (not being a primer cartridge), in a cross-measure drift or shaft being sunk. Reg. 53 (1) - Explosives Regs. 1961. Act as a Supervising Workmen. Section 13 - Mines & Quarries Act, 1954 - Training Regs. 1967. Act as an Instructor. Section 13 - Mines and Quarries Act - 1954 - Training Regs. 1967. Be a Searcher. 1 (a) - (Manner of Search for Smoking Materials) Order 1956. Examine safety lamps after being taken into the Mine. Reg. 3 (1) Safety Lamps Regs. 1956." Signed Manager 29/05/1981. - 29 May 1981
22 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/22 - NCB Certificate of Authorisation Under Mechanics & Electricians Regulations, 1965 & Training Regulations 1967 for Mr R.L. Ditchburn. - Ellington Colliery "In accordance with the Above Regulations R.L Ditchburn is hereby authorised to Operate machinery and/or electrical apparatus, other than coal getting machines as listed below:- Electric Switches, pumps, Haulers, Haulage Signals, Conveyors and Drillers. Signed E Dunbar Manager 25/03/1988 - 26 March 1988
23 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/23 - NCB Certificate of Appointments/Authorsations - Underground workmen. - Ellington Colliery "In accordance with the Mines and Quarries Act 1954 and General Regulations made thereunder I hereby appoint and/or authorise Raymond Lancelot Ditchburn to Accompany any rope hauled vehicle. Section 39 (2) - Mines and Quarries Act 1954 Transmit signals in any road. Reg. 50 - Shafts, Outlets and Roads Regs. 1960. Operate rope haulage apparatus where no persons are carried. Section 43 (2) - Mines and Quarries Act 1954. Operate a face conveyor. Section 44 - Mines and Quarries Act 1954. Signed E Dunbar, Manager 25/03/1988. - 26 March 1988
24 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/24 - 'Coal News' Newspaper issued by British Coal, September 1993. - Dec. 1993
25 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/25 - 'Coal News' Newspaper issued by British Coal, November 1993. - Nov. 1993
26 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/26 - 'Coal News' Newspaper issued by British Coal, December 1993. - Dec. 1993
27 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/27 - 'The Miner' Journal of the National Union of Mineworkers, February 1994. - Feb. 1994
28 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/28 - 'The Miner' Journal of the National Union of Mineworkers, April 1994. - April 1994
29 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/29 - 'The North East Miner' publication published by the North East Area NUM. - March 1993
30 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/30 - 'Ellington Echo North East' publication produced by Ellington Colliery, Northumberland - Nov. 1991
31 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/31 - Notice - Ellington NUM - Payment of Union Contributions. - The notice states: As a direct result of our first democratic day of action, B.C.C. have suspended the "Check Off System". This means that as from 5th March 1993 all contributions must be paid at the NUM office. The union are organising a direct debit system of payment which will be introduced as soon as possible. The union contribution is £4.31. All members are urged to pay contributions without delay. It's your only security against the most vicious of employers. PROTECT YOURSELF. - 1993
32 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/32 - 'Ellington Miner - Journal of the National Union of Mineworkers - Ellington Branch." - Flyer about the national ballot against pit closures which took place on 5th March 1993. - March 1993
33 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/33 - Ellington NUM. Possible Closure for Ellington? Special press release 17th October 1992. - 1992
34 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/34 - Poster - 'A Strike-breaker is a traitor'. - Poster showing blacklegs in the Garw Valley of South Wales in 1929 being supported by policemen. Beneath the photograph is printed Jack London's definition of a scab. - 1984-1985
35 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/35 - Photocopy of a drawing of Margaret Thatcher P.M with a condom in her hand with Vote Tory written on it, produced during the National Strike by the National Union of Mineworkers 1984-1985. - WARNING CONTAINS TEXT WHICH MAY BE OFFENSIVE. - 1984-1985
36 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/36 - British Coal Corporation, North East Group, Ellington Combine - Manager's Scheme for the Second Means of Egress. - 10 April 1989
37 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/37 - British Coal Corporation, North East Group, Ellington Combine - Manager's Scheme for the Second Means of Egress. - 10 April 1989
38 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/38 - Membership Card for the National Union of Mineworkers for Mr. R.L. Ditchburn, member of the Ashington Branch, Northumberland. - 1985
39 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/39 - Booklet - How to use your Self-rescuer, published by the National Coal Board Mining Department 1972. - nd. [c.1980]
40 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/40 - Membership Card for the National Union of Mineworkers, Northumberland Area for Mr. R.L. Ditchburn, member of the Ashington Branch. - 1983
41 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/41 - Sticker - 'Illegal Manriding it's Suicide - Work Safe - Play Safe - Stay Safe". - nd. [c.1980]
42 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/42 - NCB Pay receipt for Mr R.L. Ditchburn, who worked at Ashington Colliery, Northumberland. - 7 Feb. 1981
43 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/43 - NUM Northumberland Area Official Picket card, used during the 1984-1985 National Stike of the National Union of Mineworkers. - 1984-1985
44 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/44 - Copy of a poem produced by the Striking Miners during the 1984-1985 National Strike by the National Union of MIneworkers. Picked up by Mr Raymond Lancelot Ditchburn while he was a flying picket at Sutton Manor, St Helens. - May 1984
45 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/45 - Poem produced by the Striking Miners during the 1984-1985 National Strike by the National Union of MIneworkers. Picked up by Mr Raymond Lancelot Ditchburn while he was a flying picket at Sutton Manor, St Helens. - May 1984
46 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/46 - NCB Pay receipt for Mr R.L. Ditchburn, who worked at Ashington Colliery, Northumberland. - 4 Feb. 1984
47 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/47 - NCB Sick pay advice for Mr R.L. Ditchburn, who worked at Ellington Colliery, Northumberland. - 4 Feb. 1984
48 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/48 - NCB pay receipts for Mr R.L. Ditchburn, who worked at Ellington Colliery, Northumberland. - 1992-1994
49 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/49 - Mineworkers Pension Scheme members letter to vote for the Election of Pensioner Representatives 2008. - Feb. 2008
50 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/50 - Mineworkers Pension Scheme Election of Pensioner Representatives 2008 Candidates' Election Statement. - 2008
51 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/51 - Sticker - 'Illegal Manriding it's Suicide - Work Safe - Play Safe - Stay Safe". - nd. [c.1980]
52 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/52 - Sticker - Wanted - Safety Action From Everyone This Year '87/'88. - 1987
53 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/53 - Sticker - Wanted - Safety Action From Everyone This Year '87/'88. - 1987
54 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/54 - Sticker - Wanted - Safety Action From Everyone This Year '87/'88. - 1987
55 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/55 - Sticker - Wanted - Safety Action From Everyone This Year '87/'88. - 1987
56 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/56 - Sticker - Wanted - Safety Action From Everyone This Year '87/'88. - 1987
57 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/57 - Sticker - This is an accident waiting to happen - Don't Make Do, Think Job Safety. - nd. [c.1980]
58 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/58 - Sticker - This is an accident waiting to happen - Don't Make Do, Think Job Safety. - nd. [c.1980]
59 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/59 - Sticker - This is an accident waiting to happen - Don't Make Do, Think Job Safety. - nd. [c.1980]
60 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/60 - Sticker - This is an accident waiting to happen - Don't Make Do, Think Job Safety. - nd. [c.1980]
61 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/61 - Sticker - This is an accident waiting to happen - Don't Make Do, Think Job Safety. - nd. [c.1980]
62 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/62 - Sticker - Say Safe Avoid Slipping Stumbling Falling Accidents. - nd. [c.1980]
63 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/63 - Sticker - Machinery Can Kill Staying Safe Is No Accident. - nd. [c.1980]
64 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/64 - Sticker - Personal Positioning Pays - Work Safe- Play Safe - Stay Safe. - nd. [c.1980]
65 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/65 - Sticker - Staying Safe is...NO Accident! - nd. [c.1980]
66 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/66 - Stickers - Miners For Labour. - nd. [c.1980]
67 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/67 - Stickers - Miners For Labour. - nd. [c.1980]
68 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/68 - Stickers - Miners For Labour. - nd. [c.1980]
69 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/69 - Sticker - NUM Northumberland Area - Geordie Miners - Fight For Jobs. - nd. [c.1980]
70 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/70 - Sticker - NUM Northumberland Area - Geordie Miners - Fight For Jobs. - nd. [c.1980]
71 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/71 - Sticker - NUM Northumberland Area - Geordie Miners - Fight For Jobs. - nd. [c.1980]
72 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/72 - Stickers - Murdock is Bad News - Don't Buy: The Sun; News of the World; The Times; Sunday Times. From SOGAT. NGA. AUEW and NUJ. - nd. [c.1980]
73 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/73 - Sticker - 'Division One - Geordie Pickets- All out to win' - nd. [c.1984]
74 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/74 - Sticker - 'Division One - Geordie Pickets- All out to win' - nd. [c.1984]
75 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/75 - Sticker - 'NUM Northumberland Area - Geordie Miners- Fight for Jobs.' - nd. [c.1984]
76 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/76 - Stickers - Miners For Labour. - nd. [c.1980]
77 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/77 - Correspondence and papers regarding a compensation claim as a result of the death of Mr Ditchburn's step-father from a mining related disease. - 2004-2006
78 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/78 - L.N.E.R ticket from Newcastle (1) to Heaton or Byker dated 4th August, no year. - nd. [c.1935]
79 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/79 - L.N.E.R timetable for trains between Newcastle and Morpeth from 30th April 1934. - nd. [c.1934]
80 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/80 - L.N.E.R map of lines for the North Eastern Area and routes of associated Road Service Companies. - nd. [c.1935]
81 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/81 - Tourists Map of the London & North Eastern Railway and its Connexions. - nd. [c.1932]
82 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/82 - British Railways Half-day excursions to Warkworth, Alnmouth and Alnwick leaflet. - 1951
83 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/83 - North Eastern Railway, Newcastle District Programme of Special Trains &c., Arrangements 24th July 1898. - Programme for the 'Company's Servants'. The removal of Messrs. Barnum & Bailey's show from Leith to Newcastle via Berwick. - 1898
84 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/84 - North Eastern Railway, Removal of Buffalo Bills "Wild West" Show, July 10th to July 26th 1904. - 1904
85 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/85 - Mineworkers Pension Scheme - Your Pension Increase Explained 2005. - 2005
86 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/86 - Mineworkers Pension Scheme - Your Pension Increase Explained 2006. - 2006
87 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/87 - Mineworkers Pension Scheme - Your Pension Increase Explained 2007. - 2007
88 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/88 - Mineworkers Pension Scheme - Your Pension Increase Explained 2008. - 2007
89 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/89 - Local inspector's wages slips from the Northumberland Mineworkers' Federation for Mr J. Clough, Mr J. Blackburn and Mr H. Malston. - 1971
90 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/90 - Leaflet carried by pickets in case of arrest by police titled 'To Whom It May Concern'. - 1984-1985
91 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/91 - Leaflet carried by pickets titled 'Guide to Pickets'. - 1984-1985
92 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/92 - Leaflet 'Class War Prisoners Aid'. - 1984-1985
93 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/93 - Typescript sheet entitled 'National Coal Board: Northern (N & C) Division: No. 2 Area: E.P.I.C. Conversion Tables - Fractions to Decimals'. - nd. [c.1980]
94 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/94 - Copy photograph of Stakeford County Primary Infant School, Class 1, 1950. - From left to right, boys: Raymond Hankinson; Joseph Greenacre; Frank Dobson; Roy Crick; Alan Wood; unknown; Jim Robson; Edwin Collis; Michael Ditchburn; John (Skinner) Barlow. From left to right, girls: Jennifer Mumford; Wendy Burket; unknown; Ann Tate; Ann Wilkinson; Joan Hall; Angela Jackson; Audrie Brodie; Madelain Wise; Sally Rae; Eileen Joyce. - 2011
95 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/95 - Photocopy of a section of map from Blyth to Newbiggin, Northumberland, showing the extents of the coal removal areas. - Photocopy does not show which seam the map refers to, nor the key to the shading of the areas, nor date. - 2011
96 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/96 - Blueprint of Bates Pit Beaumont 3rd North. Produced by the Cowpen Coal Company. - Scale 1/2.500. Signed by H V A Hately and dated 22/9/38. - 1938
97 - Northumberland Archives - NRO 07053/97 - 'Coal News' Newspaper issued by British Coal, February 1994. - Dec. 1993

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